Sunday, February 10, 2013


True success outlives the successful.
Real success is not in fame but in a name. Fame without name will end in shame.
Name is an offshoot of integrity, it is your name that keeps speaking after your physical exist from the earth.
Your No 1 asset after your death is name.
It is the first inheritance left for your children.
It forms the basic for the goodwill that your children will enjoy.
Without a name your life ends at your death.
Work to earn a name not a fame, work to preserve your name. fame without name will end in flames. Fame without a name will end your children in shame.
Make your choice – fame now or name forever?
Do not seek fame it leads its seekers into shames and chains and ends him in ruins.
There is indeed nothing in fame.
Fame can’t earn you a name.
If it does it will only be short lived, it is rather name that can earn you lasting fame, with a name, you cannot miss your fame, fame will naturally follow after a good name. good name is magnet that attracts fame.

1 KINGS 12:7-16
To take the lead of any people:
-        Serve them faithfully
-        Touch their hearts and they will give you their hands, to lead them.
-        Have compassion towards them. I have not met a person who doesn’t respond to car.
-        Show them care in practical terms.
Show that you care and they will show to you their readiness and willingness to follow.
A servant to a people today is their leader in waiting.
Stopping to serve today is rising to lead tomorrow.
-        It is people you serve that will offer you their hands to lead them. Serving them is attracting their votes for you to lead.
-        In other to rise to lead, stoop to serve.

Saturday, February 9, 2013



The covenant is accessed by a walk with God – Gen 17:1,2

Walk with God is made possible by continuous obedience to God’s commandments – Deut 28:1-14.

Abraham practically walked with God by his continuous obedience to God. Gen 12:1-4; 17:12; 22:1-18.

You cannot walk with God unless you please him and obedience is the only way to please him. But obedience is made easy by deep affection for God.

So love him to obey him to please him and to ultimately enter into a walk (friendship) with him.

By your walk with him you cut a covenant with him that automatically makes you a beneficiary of his blessings – Gen 17:1-2, Deut 7:12-15, John 14:23; 15:14





ACCESS TO POWER OF GOD You cannot have access to a thing from man unless you first gain access to the person. To access the power of God you must know the God of power. It is the custodian of a treasure that determines the measure that you can have know him little and access little know him much and draw much. Dan 11:32. To know him, spend much time with him. Seek his face to move his hand. 11 Chr 7:14. Do not seek his power, seek his face. Ps 63:1,8, 105:4 It is the longing of your soul for Him that commands the flow of His power, Until you have power with God you cannot draw power from God. Gen 32:28; 33:4. Knowledge of God is the fountain of power. Fullness of God is fullness of power(grace) and fullness of blessings. John 1:16, II Cor 9:8. Men become eager to meet and help you only when you have met with God. Gen 33:4

The Bride Of Christ

The Bride Of Christ Ephesians 5:25-27 ESV / 400 helpful votes Husbands, love your wives...