Sunday, September 8, 2013


                                                                                                Just as electricity is in the natural, SO is the anointing to the spiritual. IT IS THE ELECTRICITY OF HEAVEN!

The anointing is a heavenly materiality, perceptible to the touch and capable to be touched. The anointing can be felt. You can feel it and others around you can feel and experience it.

The bible has three words for power, one is Dunamis meaning power that explodes bullets, another is Exosia meaning Authority THEN comes ENERGIO where we get the word energy. This ENERGIO is the best explanation for the anointing because all the anointing is…is the ENERGY OF GOD. It can burn and it can be felt. Now as believers we need the anointing now more that we did in the past. The world has changed drastically and is waiting for us with the Energy of God, the anointing, the electricity of heaven to come in. We are the anointing career. However there are some with a greater anointing than others because there is such a thing as a FRESH ANOINTING. We need a fresh anointing, so we won't be empty, broken cisterns that can hold no water! God doesn't want people to be empty cisterns; He wants them to be full reservoirs able to hold much living water of the Holy Spirit.

Notice something here; the word Christ is a Greek word. Why the English translators failed to translate it in the Bible, I don't know. But that failure has cost us a great revelation.

The word Christ isn't Jesus' last name. It is not a title. It's a word with a very significant meaning. Christ actually means anointed. To anoint is to literally "to pour on, smear all over, or rub into." So the Anointing of God is to have God poured on, smeared all over, and rubbed into. The Anointing of God is God on flesh doing only those things God can do. Practically speaking, what does that Anointing of God on flesh do for us? According to Isaiah 10:27, it destroys the yoke of bondage. Some people say the anointing breaks the yoke. But the word used in Isaiah isn't break, it is destroy. It literally means to obliterate so completely that there is no evidence the yoke ever existed.

Now go to Ephesians 2:11-13, translating the word Christ:

"Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh...were without [the Anointed One], being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of the promise, having no hope, and without God in the world: But now in [the Anointed] Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of (the Anointed One)"

So according to those scriptures, before you were born again, you were without the Anointed One. If you were without the Anointed One, you were also without the anointing, right? But now, you are in the Anointing of Jesus. That anointing is available to you in every situation to destroy (obliterate completely!) every yoke of bondage.

This is why you can have hope in the most hopeless situation. You can break out of that hopeless situation.

“I have the anointing of God, I cause changes. I make things work for me and for the greater good because of the anointing. The anointed is with me and in me so I am anointed. I have the electricity of heaven. I have God’s energy and I cannot be defeated, IN JESUS’ NAME”.

Get a hold of that anointing by beginning to factor in the anointing. Talk about it every day. Think about it and meditate upon it. Feel your heart with this truth and awaken to the reality that you a victor because you are anointed.
"Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord" (Heb. 12:14).

Holiness is what the people of God are missing today. Many talk about Holiness as though it is a thing of the past BUT that is not so in God’s mind. To God Holiness is the missing link between authority and a life of Miracles, signs and wonders. The day believers start practicing Holiness is the day believers will explode with miracles for Holiness is the electrical code that transports the power of the Holy Ghost. Holiness is the missing link!!!

Notice, it is a serious thing when God sayings:

"Without holiness no man shall see the Lord" (Heb. 12:14).

It suggests a question which demands the attention of all professing Christians: are we holy? Shall we see the Lord? AND the answer is simple…If we are not Holy, we will not see Him and it stands to reason, we will not see the manifestation of His Mighty Power. It is that simple.

Now what sort of persons are those whom God calls holy? What is God saying when He says I want Holiness?

Is He talking about having knowledge? Great profession? Zeal for certain matters in religion? morality and outward respectability of conduct? Is it in a dress code?

A man may go great lengths and yet never reach true holiness. It is not in wearing long dresses and certain types of clothes – Jezebel herself had that and the Pharisees had a dress code. It is not knowledge—Balaam had that; Is it about great profession—Judas Iscariot had that; nor doing many things—Herod had that; nor zeal for certain matters in religion—Jehu had that; nor morality and outward respectability of conduct—the young ruler had that; nor—the Jews in Ezekiel’s time had that; nor keeping company with godly people—Joab and Gehazi and Demas had that. Yet none of these were holy! These things alone are not holiness. A man may have any one of them and yet never see the Lord.

Holiness is the habit of being of one mind with God, according as we find His mind described in Scripture. It is the habit of agreeing in God’s judgment, hating what He hates, loving what He loves, and measuring everything in this world by the standard of His Word. He who most entirely agrees with God, he is the most holy man. In a nutshell, a holy person is a believer who is right at the centre of God’s will. Who loves what God loves and hates what God hates, this is the believer God will use. Imagine, you have a two plate stove, one is HOT and the other is COLD. Which one would you use to make tea? The obvious answer will be a HOT plate. In the same light, People who practice holiness are HOT plates God uses so be holy and see great exploits!!!


The devil owns your workplace, your bank and the market place. When you get paid he leaves you with a few dollars to put in a bank he also owns. After you deposit that money into a bank he owns, he will force you through circumstances to withdraw that money so that you spend it on paying bills and buying necessities. The problem still is that he also owns the market place where you buy your necessities. But with Jesus as Lord of your life - the period of the devil owning the company you work for, the bank you bank with and the market place where you buy your goods is over for the word of God says in Proverbs the 13th chapter: 22. …the wealth of the wicked is LAID UP for the believer.

Now, the child of God ought to have God's best. A child of God was rich beyond his wildest imagination, way before he was even created. He was born into the right family. He was born where the money was and still is. He was born in a place of wealth created just for him. Man wasn’t created to be a slave, that is why favour follows him and that is exactly why the people who are not in the kingdom work for their money and heap up wealth without the knowledge that they are doing this heaping up of riches for the believer. In short the people on earth are all working for the child of God. Notice what God does: Ecclesiastes 2 vs. 25 – 26 …to the sinner God giveth travail to GATHER and HEAP UP riches that he may give to him that is a believer Of God. All sinners are by scripture working for the believer whether they or you know it or not. Notice here, the devil stole a lot of our material possessions but now he is paying and supposed to pay back sevenfold. God has been and still is involved in the business of making the sinner work to GATHER and HEAP UP riches that will be given to the believer. The Revelation of wealth The wealth of the wicked is yours for the taking. Prosperity is our portion as believers.

This prosperity is not just in houses, cars, nice clothes, jewellery and fat bank accounts for this is where many who preach prosperity miss it; its purpose is so that we having enough will be able to further the spreading of the gospel. It is money with a mission! The church should not be poor and the child of God should not be broke. We are supposed to have plenty enough to be a blessing to others. Notice here in the Word of God: 2 Corinthians 9 vs. 8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that YOU, always having ALL sufficiency in all things, (look now at the purpose of riches) may have an abundance for every GOOD WORK. The children of God should not be beggarly. They should have God’s best and that is not negotiable. They should have plenty enough to help others in need. The children of God should never ever be beggarly. Notice what David said along this line in the book of Psalm 37, 25, 26. I have been young and now am old Yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread.

He is ever …lending and his seed is Blessed. David also adds: Psalm 34 10. The young lions do lack , and suffer hunger but they That seek the Lord SHALL NOT LACK any good thing. In the 23rd Psalm David even rubs it in a little bit further by saying; The Lord is my shepherd I shall not lack anything Notice, it is high time we start owning our workplaces, the banks we bank with and the marketplace. It is time for the greatest wealth transfer the world has ever seen. It is time for the devil to pay back what he stole. The revelation you are holding is payday for the believer!

The Bride Of Christ

The Bride Of Christ Ephesians 5:25-27 ESV / 400 helpful votes Husbands, love your wives...