Something NEW is here! But before I introduce it to you let me first welcome you to the Information Gateway of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. Established in 1952, RCCG is a growing church with Parishes of the church in over 178 countries of the world.In other to bring our members closer to the heartbeat of God we have provided them with useful resources that will enrich their spiritual life from this platform. Among other resources available for you on this platform includes: Life transforming Video & Audio Messages, Image Galleries, Sunday School Manuals, Digging Deep & SOD Manuals, Newsletters & Spiritual blogs. These resources will certainly help you to grow. We have new additions to this, kindly click on the RCCG ePRODUCTS to download our REDEMPTION HYMNAL, 2014-2015 SUNDAY SCHOOL manual. Please make sure you download versions compatible to your mobile devices.Beloved, David once faced a Lion that was the champion of the forest and killed it. This was what gave David the boldness to confront Goliath the champion of the city saying to him that the Lord who gave me strength and wisdom to kill a Lion & a bear that attacked my flocks the same Almighty God will give me wisdom and strength needed to do the same thing to Goliath of Gad.
Your ability to achieve a particular goal is a function of the ones you have achieved in the past through the help of the Almighty God. When the Lord decided to move us from the FIRST AUDITORIUM at the Redemption Camp, there were many people who felt that the auditorium we were moving from was the biggest they had ever seen or had. Also, when the Lord decided to move us away from the SECOND AUDITORIUM to the ARENA where we presently worship, many said it was impossible, but it happened. Today, the Lord is set to move us to a bigger arena because the children need to occupy the present one.
Many of us have lost our miracles because we stopped too soon. A divine champion sets goals believing that with God, nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37). I have been challenged by people who say, what we want to do now is impossible. The moment you say it is impossible; I will want to show you that it is possible. It could take some sweating, fasting, night vigils and a little extra effort, but whatever goals divine champions set before God, they will get it. As a divine champion, it is not all the time you set a goal that you realize it at first instance. Many times, you have to try and try over and over again before you succeed. The important thing is that as a child of God you will win at the end…and there is a reward of everlasting victory and permanent joy for every divine champion that achieves his divine goals.
To this end I want to encourage you to join hands with us in completing our NEW AUDITORIUM and if you are ready kindly click on NEW AUDITORIUM to put in your widow’s mite. You can also click on NEHEMIAH BUILDERS to join a number of committed brethren who had decided to task themselves a little bit more to ensure we achieved this goal for the Lord our God in our time. God bless you in Jesus name.
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Open Heavens
Open Heavens is the daily devotional for our time. Click here for more.
Mummy GO's Corner
Be inspired by Our Mother-in-Isreal, Pastor Mrs Folu Adeboye. Visit website.
Useful Resources & Tools
We offer you various resources to encourage and help you grow spiritually. Take time to find a resource that will be of immense benefit to you. See available resources.