Friday, October 19, 2012



Believing Is Not Faith To believe is different to having faith. Just as a dog is not a cat and a cat not a dog. Believing is not faith and faith is not belief. However, belief and faith work together. Belief writes the digits on the cheque but it is faith that cashes the cheque. Believing will make you die with a good attitude. On its own believing writes a smile on your face whilst the ship is sinking. Faith on the other hand keeps the boat afloat and gives you a good attitude.

Though belief is the starting point of faith, it will not change the circumstances of your life. It is faith that changes your circumstance. You cannot get results in life by just believing that you will receive blessings. Believing is a noun – Faith is a doing word. Faith is a verb and a verb is an act. Believing is ‘dechomai’ – passive receiving and FAITH is’ lambano- seizing as if by military force”. You need to act upon that which you believe. Faith is ACTING upon what you believe. Believing is done in the heart and ends there, yet faith is in the heart and is proven with an outward action.

Without that action on the outside there is no faith. What will be present is ‘believing’ and believing ends in the heart. It is not faith for it has no action attached to it. It ends in the heart. Romans 10 vs. 10 …with the heart man believeth… When the believing is done in the heart you need to ACT UPON IT for it to be faith, otherwise it will simply be belief and that will not change your circumstance. See! Believing is only the starting point and if all you do is believe in your heart but do nothing about what you believe then there will be no faith. In so saying – dechomai is of the heart and ends there but lambano comes out of the heart to perform in the natural what has been dechomaid through the heart. Let me show you with an example. If you go into your kitchen and put a pot full of water on the stove and raise up your hands and say "I really believe that if I put the stove ON this water in the pot will boil".

You will be there until you die unless you put your finger on the ‘ON’ button for the water to boil. Though your believing might be very right, it will not make the water boil if the ‘ON’ button needed to heat up the stove is not pressed. You need to ACT UPON what you believe for it to work and that is great faith. That is the God kind of faith. THAT IS LAMBANO. See James 1 vs.22: …be doers of the word and not hearers only…

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