Sunday, January 22, 2017


Donald Trump is looking to paint the White House. He asks Chinese contractors how much they would charge. They say 3 million. He asks European contractors how much they would charge. They say 7 million. He asks Nigerian contractors how much they would charge. They say 10 million.
Trump goes back to the Chinese and asks "Why 3 million?" The Chinese say "1 million for the paint, 1 million for the labor, and 1 million profit."
He then goes to the Europeans and asks "why 7 million?" The Europeans reply "2 million for the best quality paint, 3 million for the specialized labor, and 2 million profit."
Trump finally goes to the Nigerians and asks "Why 10 million?" The Nigerians reply, "Mr. Trump, let's sit down and have a talk man to man, 3 million for you, 4 million for us, and with 3 million we hire the Chinese and the contract is done. Everybody is happy... You, me and the American people........

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The Bride Of Christ

The Bride Of Christ Ephesians 5:25-27 ESV / 400 helpful votes Husbands, love your wives...