How To Improve On Your Marriage! (3)
Dear Reader,
Peace and blessings be multiplied to you in this month of the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. In my first lesson, I told you that marriage is a miracle. Last week, I looked at marriage covenant responsibilities.
This week, I want you to Beware Of Divorce! Enjoying a loving home is God’s utmost desire for you and your spouse this Christmas and forever. That was His design from the beginning of creation.
Divorce can be likened to marital amputation. It causes a lot of grief, pain, and wound that only God can heal. Even when a wound is healed, the scar remains, and in most cases, for life. Give no place to divorce. Remember, prevention is said to be better than cure. When there is challenge in your home, divorce should not be the first option that comes to mind. Rather, it is important to first identify and analyze the challenge.
In the beginning of the institution of marriage, divorce was not a part of this original plan, and was never supposed to be a part. The Word of God says:
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh (Genesis 2:24).
Note the word “Man … shall leave, cleave and become one flesh”.God hates putting away! The Word of God says: For the Lord, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away (Malachi 2:16). What God says He hates, you should hate too. If you move close to any divorcee, you will observe that they themselves go through a lot of pain and agonies and their children go through turmoil and devastation. God views husband and wife being bound together in a permanent marriage relationship, and nothing should be allowed to put them apart.
My husband used to say, “To be slow and sure is better than to be fast and foolish”. My husband and I courted for six years. Throughout that time, we did a proper study with all sincerity of each other’s character, vision and goals. If you are not contemplating divorce, then there is no need to rush into marriage. Take your time; be sure of what you are getting into. If it is a living family you desire, prepare yourself for it and enter into it with God’s backing and certainty.
Divorce is not as easy as it sounds, because it is not only limited to legally ending a marriage, but putting death where life once was. For those of you about getting married or yet to be married, be very careful.
In case you are reading this article right now and you are considering divorce, you have thought there is no way out. Hold it! Who knows, this might be the reason God gave you the opportunity of reading a material like this. If only you will accept and follow God’s master plan, your story will change for the better!
Or are you already divorced? Do not allow a sense of condemnation to overwhelm and destroy your colourful future. God can still perform His wonders in your life. Do you believe a miracle can still take place in your life and family to bring about a restoration? God is the Restorer! He will restore your marriage.
I hope this brother’s testimony will boost your faith:
“I read your article in the newspaper. In fact, I have seen a lot of changes in my life, which prompted me to give this glorious testimony of the wonderful works of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I got married in 1977 as an unbeliever, before I joined the police force in the year 2000. But somehow, my marriage broke up as a result of so many things. But God rebuilt the marriage from the advice and instruction I got from your article.
I congratulate you for your effort in enlightening young men and women concerning their marital lives, so that their marriages will be peaceful and successful.” Udual, A.
I see God giving you your own testimony, too, in Jesus’ name!
You need the grace of God upon your life to be able to stay put in your covenant marriage. This grace is released for those born again. You get born again by confessing your sins and accepting Jesus as your own Lord and personal Saviour. If you are set for this new birth experience, you can say this prayer and be born again:
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