Monday, October 4, 2010


Creative Home Management

Every one wants to have a stable and sweet home. The dream of every married man or woman is to have a home where every thing is orderly and where there is prosperity and progress. That is also God�s will for your home but one of the things it takes to achieve that goal is creative management. First, what is creative home management? To manage means to be able to handle, control or administer available resources through careful planning. The word creative means originality or the ability to bring something new into existence. Every home is made up of great destinies (that is, the husband, the wife and children). So, when we talk about home management, it is not just keeping your environment clean, cooking good food for your family or making sure that your children are neat, I am talking about managing every resource that God has put within your home to ensure that each member fulfills his or her destiny. It is the individuals in a family that make up a home, without them, all you will have is a house. So, by the grace of God, I want to share with you here, how to handle your home in a unique way, so as to have an outstanding testimony. Because of the destinies and potentials involved, I regard the home as an �oil well� that is full of treasures which if properly managed will yield great profits but if not, it ends up as a waste and a shame. God�s purpose is to make your home a showpiece for all to see. Improper management is the reason some families never realize that purpose and the members end up being demoralized. But good management of resources qualifies you for more of God�s blessings. You need Wisdom! Wisdom is the basic requirements for creative home management. Proverbs 24:3 says, �Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established.� Just as individuals are peculiar, every home is also peculiar, unique and special. So, even though there are general management rules that we can follow, you require the wisdom of God to devise unique ways of managing your own home, because the priorities in other homes may not be the same in your home. This is why you need creativity to be able to meet every need of your home without running helter-skelter. You cannot use another person�s plan to run your life and your home. Be creative and prayerful and God will help you to develop a plan that suits your own home and resources per time. When you have the wisdom of God, it will give you originality and make your home unique among all others. It will put an end to all your struggles with family finances, relationships, academic performance of your children and other areas of family life. The Bible says, �Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.Be not wise in thine own eyes�� (Proverbs 3:5-7). Those who trust in themselves never make headway in their homes. They are always struggling to make ends meet but the ends never meet for them. When you operate in the wisdom of God, no matter how little the resources in your hand, it will always be more than enough. You Must Plan �For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?� - Luke 14:28 Management requires careful planning. This simply means mapping out your order of activities and spreading your available resources to meet the needs of your home. Your time, finances and material resources are talents that God has committed into your hands and He expects you to plan wisely and use them for the successful and smooth running of your family. There is nothing in your hands that is too small. There is no situation your family is in now that cannot change, if only you will plan. When there is a plan, management becomes easy. Living without a plan is like traveling through a desert without a compass or a map. It is will be a fruitless, endless journey. Every thing about the home must be planned for. Plan for the number of children you want to have and for their future, plan your spiritual and social life. God Himself is a planner. How do I know? We are told in Genesis 1:2 that the earth was without form and void and when God wanted to start creation, the first thing He said was �Let there be light.� I want to believe that God created light first so that He could see the other things that He needed to put in place, in order to avoid confusion. In the same way God expects you to do things in your home in the order of priority. For instance, you don�t have to wait until the day your children are set to resume school before you start looking for school fees! When you plan ahead you deliver yourself from the anxiety of looking for things at the last minute. It is true that you believe God, but as you believe, make sure you have a plan. My husband often says that any man who waits till the day his wife is to deliver before he begins to run around for the hospital bill is not a planner. He had a long notice of nine months, but did nothing. Plan, both for now and the future. Just as you plan for what your family will eat on a daily basis, also plan ahead for family projects like building a house etc. Ensure that you plan according to your size per time. Remember that men are in sizes and life is in phases. If you manage and plan your present level well, God will take you speedily to the next phase. Peace!

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