Monday, October 4, 2010



Depth of comprehension defines height of apprehension.

The comprehension you obtain will naturally determine the apprehension you attain. Depth determines height. Do not ever seek height, rather seek depth to gain height, you can�t miss height if you seek depth.

What you understand is what makes you outstanding. Therefore, seek understanding in the secret to become outstanding in the open. Your height is limited by your depth.

Solomon became outstanding because he obtained understanding by the largeness of heart God gave to him in response to his desperation for it. 1 Kings 3:9-12, 28,

1 Kings 4:29; Ps. 119:34, Eph. 1:18;3:16-19.

Daniel�s access to understanding secured him access to the palace in the reign of 4 kings consecutively.

Paul is still very much relevant today because God gave him comprehension of the things (ages) to come which now have come.

Access to understanding is access to the palace and access to the future. It is access to fame & to the top.

Lack of understanding is man�s limit, you can�t go to where/what you cannot see. If you must go farther, see farther. If you want to reach out first �reach in�.

Extent is usually drawn from intent. Just as an archer will necessarily have to pull the arrow to himself before he will shoot at his target, draw from the unseen to launch to the seen.

Get behind the veil to go beyond the veil. It is what you tap into that launches you to the top. Cry for understanding before God, if you want your voice to be heard among men.
Prov. 2:1-5; 4:7-9.


On the way to your new level are new devils.

Mk. 1:13; I Cor. 16:9.

Every time pressure is mounting up it is because destiny is about to take off into new height.

Pressure is a notice to new height. Hell usually breaks loose when ever heaven is about to open.

-But all it takes to subdue all devils at any level is power � Lk. 10:19 (9:1)

-Therefore, new levels demands new (fresh) empowerment which comes via prayer.

Lk. 4:1-14; Acts 4:23-33.

In prayer we come into union with God and gain power with God � Is. 30:29-31.

In prayer we interact with angels and contact their strength. Mk. 1:13


The whole essence of salvation in Christ is to restore the very life of God that created man in the beginning.

By salvation, we�re not just in touch with God but in union with Christ, we do not just have his kind of life but His very life just as God at creation gave His life to man, not just his kind of life.

We have His life, health, success, victory, triumph, intelligence, wisdom and every other thing He possesses, in the same quality that He exhibits.

Christ lives in us, He works in us, and He releases his life into us.

We should either take or settle for nothing less. Jesus paid for it all!


The platform for accessing God�s blessing for His people is the covenant.

But this covenant is accessed only by a walk with God � Gen 17:1, 2

A walk with God is made possible only by continuous and consistent obedience to God�s commandments � Deut 28:1-14.

Abraham practically walked with God by continuous obedience to God�s command.

Gen 12:1-4; 17:12; 22:1-18.

You cannot walk with God unless you please him and obedience is the only way to please him.

But obedience is made easy by deep affection for God. Heb.11:6; Jh.14:21, 23.

So, love Him to obey Him and obey Him to please Him. This will lead you ultimately into a walk (friendship) with Him.

By your walk with God you cut a covenant with Him that automatically makes you a beneficiary of His blessings. � Gen 17:1-2, Deut 7:12-15,

John 14:23; 15:14.


You’ll always be faced with a choice between hardness and hardship.

Go for hardness today to escape hardship tomorrow. Endure hardness today so as not to suffer hardship tomorrow. Endure today and enjoy tomorrow.

Face hardness today to phase out hardship tomorrow.

You can’t be a victim of hardship tomorrow if you pay your due to hardness today. Hardness is your escape route from hardship.

Hardness is discipline while hardship is suffering. Endure the pain of hardness today to escape the pain of hardship tomorrow.


Beware, comparison will always lead to unholy competition and competition is a game of fools. II Cor.12:10.

Comparison is not necessary because it wearies and reduces the �comparer�.

What you should rather do is compliment.

Don�t compete because it will make you incomplete. Many compete today because they feel incomplete.

Instead of competition which tears apart start co-operation with others in your team.

Competition makes you see others as enemies but co-operation embraces them as friends. Competition concentrates on self but co-operation concentrate on others.

Don�t be suspicious but supportive.

Competition limits you to your personal skill but co operation gives you access to skills of others.

Competition offers you small victory and joy but co- operation offers you large victory and joy.

Competition draws the line between a winner and a looser but co operation classifies all as winners.


In relating with people you could sometimes be tempted to act contrary to Christian ethics because of their negative attitudes towards you.

The way to escape this trap is to deal with people on the platform of the covenant.

Look at every issue from the covenant platform and perspective.

Make the covenant your reference point. Always ask, what says the covenant?

Be guided by the covenant and not by circumstances.

You cannot be corrupted having respect for the covenant. Dan 11:32.


Constantly live in truth.

Truth liberates. Truth is fear free and fearless.

Truth is the escape route from traps.

You can never be trapped walking in truth. Deceit always makes people to descend.

Deceit drowns destinies.

Truth is transparent, truth is naked, and truth doesn�t hide; truth is open.

Truth doesn�t decorate. It detests make-ups, truth is never shady that is why darkness will never overtake it.

If you live in the realm of shades you may end in depth of darkness.

Truth must remain your lifestyle, truth must remain your guide, and truth must remain your habitat.

Lie makes people die, truth makes people tall.

Lie decreases, truth increases.

Live in truth to Live in triumph.

Ever truthful is ever triumphant.

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