Monday, October 4, 2010



It all begins with moving a stone.
Power to move a mountain is in willingness to move a stone.
It is in willingness to move a stone that makes moving a mountain possible.
Willingness equals power.
Willingness is the highest form of power.
Be willing and you will be empowered.
Attempt to move a stone will someday lead to an attempt to move a mountain.
Anyone who can build a bungalow can dare a sky scrapper.
What it takes to move a mountain is not strength per say but willingness, eagerness, enthusiasm.
Invariably it is attitude and not strength that gets things done.
Anyone who succeeds in doing small things will in all probability succeed in doing big things.
God doesn�t rate us according to our �power� but according to our willingness to act.
Be willing to do what you can and God will take over to do what you can�t. God�s help is available to only those who are willing. Neh.4:6


Never go to bed until your work is done!
Disallow procrastination.
Do now whatever you want to do because it will never get easier in the future.
Things get more difficult with time. By natural trend, bad things get worse with time. Handle it now that it is handle able.
Attend to it now that it is attendable.
Never be trapped by procrastination.
The best time to do anything was yesterday, today is getting late. Tomorrow will be increasingly impossible.
In every adventure you embark upon consider yourself as already behind schedule.
Never work with the sense of having enough or more than enough time.


Any youth that wants to make a mark in life must accept responsibility,
The earlier you accept responsibility, the earlier your destiny rises.
Irresponsible people always shift blame.
Responsibility confronts issues, situation and people as appropriate.
 Responsible people don�t wait for a chance; they create the change they desire.
Stop looking for who to do for you what you ought to do for yourself.
Things appointed to you can not be designated to others.
You become irresponsible and may even end as casualty when you shift your responsibility to others.
�And David said none ought to carry the ark of God but the Levites: for them hath the Lord chosen to carry the ark of God and to minister unto Him for ever.� IChr.15:2


: Children are born to enjoy.
  Sons are raised to rule.
: It�s quite easy to remain a child but certainly not as easy to become a son.
  Becoming a son is both demanding and tasking!
: The pathway to sonship is �suffering�
  Are you ready to suffer? Phil. 3:10
: If you don�t suffer with Him, you cannot reign with Him.
�Though He was a son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered.� Heb. 5:8
  Sons are born out of obedience.
: Sons are made to rule by following rules. They drink from the �Bitter� cup of �Suffering�
: Rules are not just instructions � they are tough codes and serious restrictions. �And being made perfect (through suffering), He became the author (A source, a reference point) of eternal salvation unto all that obey Him.� Heb. 5:9


No matter the pressure refuses to join evil.
Do not let evil men wear you out with their evil.
Flee from them.
Don�t wait for them to choke you with their thorns and thistles. You may never recover from it�s effect.
Don�t let your conscience get exposed to the injury of evil.
Abstain from all appearance of evil � 1Thess.5.
Resist the devil - James 4.7.
Refuse to join evil rather than infuse with evil- Gen.39:7,8.
Reprove unfruitful works of darkness �Eph.5:11

  It is not hardship you go through.
  It is hardness of training you endure.
  It is from endurance of training to enjoyment of reigning.

Pretence is a major decease that plagues the youth of our time. Rather than dealing with the root cause
of a predicament most people are busy trying to change the fruit of it.

: If you want a change of fruit, check the root.

: If you want the healthiness of the branches, treat the root.

: If you want the nourishing of the tree mind the root.

: Every point in life is largely root determined. What goes well above the surface of the earth starts from below the surface.

: Never try to �make up� outwardly rather �make well� the �hidden�.

: When the unseen is well taken care of the life without will be good for all to see.
Matt. 13:6. �And the sun was up, they
were scorched and because they had no root, they withered away�.
HOW TO STAY UP (Part 1).

One major requirement to maintain continuous forward movement is Adventure.

-Life is not static. Its either addition (increases) or subtraction (decreases)
You�re either moving or you�ll be removed.
-People who add are naturally ahead of others.
-Adventure means add (to) venture.
Venturing brought you to where you
are today.
-Adventure means to depart from
  the known (familiar and common) to
  the unknown.
-There cannot be arrival without departure
  nor discovery without a relocation
  Gen. 12:4, 6, 9; 26:12-32
  All scientific and technological advancements are products of adventure.
-Adventure means making improvements and current discoveries.
  Only those who improve chart the course for other to follow.
-Enemies of adventure
Self commendation (sense of achievement)
Fear of losses.
Fear of being different.
Acceptance of status quo.
Public opinion.
-Requirement for advancement:
Foresight (compels a stretch � focus on your ultimate life goal) You can only venture into a future or possibility you can see in your mind�s eye
Courage (be daring, curious � Peter, Joshua and Caleb)


Multiplying Success

� Success is a seed. Those who eat it alone have killed it.

� Success is sustained by those who multiply it by sowing (investing) it in others i.e. by sharing with and transferring it to them.

� Never stand, work, or win alone � it cannot last. (John 12:24).

� If you want a year success, plant corn; if you want a decade success, plant trees; but if you want a lifetime success, plant people (raise people).

  Process of Multiplying Success

� Value, train, trust and delegate them(not use them).

� Realize that men are your hands of extension.

� Your greatest treasure is not money or properties but men.

� Value your workmen than the work they do for you.

Manpower is the force that powers every system.

� If your name dies at your death, then you�ve affected no one.

  Benefits of Multiplying Success

� Joy of helping others.

� Personal and organizational stability(you remain raised).

� Legacy � living beyond your lifespan.

� Pride and material blessings of raising others. (Proverbs 29:21).


You can take nothing from life till you do something with your life.
What God does for you is initiated by what you do for yourself.
Your making is between you and God.
Do what you can before you ask Him to do what you can�t.
Paul said, �I can do �� Phil.4:13.
What you do and what grace does is what makes you complete.
It is your action that initiates God�s action.
Make something great out of your life by doing something in great way today.


An encounter with God is the take-off point on the journey to your glorious destiny.
Moses � wandered for 40 years until he met God. Ex.3
Peter � toiled all night until he encountered the Saviour. Lk.5:3-7
Paul � wasted all his energy until he surrendered to the Saviour.Phil.3:8
What happens when you encounter God?
-needs are swallowed � Hannah 1Sam. 2
-you assume God�s position � Moses. Ex.7:1
-wandering is terminated � Moses Ex.3
-status is changed � Jacob, Jabez.
 1 Chron.4:9-10
-shame and reproach give way � issue of
blood woman. Matt.9:20-22
-age long sorrow can�t stand � Jabez. 1 Chron 4:9-10
-revelation is contacted � John Rev. 1-9
-energy is no longer wasted � Paul
Zero in on your destiny by making God your focus.


Sin doesn�t jump on people. If you understand its subtlety you�ll undo its strength.
Avoid undue closeness
Avoid unholy conversation (compliments)
Avoid unguarded �help�
Avoid extreme privacy
Avoid complacency (moral laxity and looseness)
Walk in the spirit
-Discipline your eye, mouth, feet, hands.
What you won�t eat don�t smell.


Text: Matt 24:12
: The ultimate intention of satan for introducing iniquity is to frustrate and destroy the love of God in the believers� lives. �And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold�.

: The more one lives in sin the colder his love for God becomes.

: Conversely, the love of God is the destroyer of iniquity.

: The more you love God, the more you hate sin.

: Holiness is hot love for God and perfect hatred for sin.

: You can�t truly love Him and be comfortable living in sin.

: Love for God will certainly make you develop hatred for sin.

: Multiplication of iniquity is a sign of departure of the love of God. Keep loving God to deaden your taste for sin.

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