Monday, October 4, 2010



Money is something but money is not everything. Money is vital but money is not core.
There is physical money that not everybody may be in “much” possession of it.
But more importantly there are potential monies which virtually everybody is in possession of even though in different measures.
Most valuable potential money is goodwill.
At the base of goodwill is character-credibility, integrity, faithfulness.
Goodwill sells more than any other good. It is the most valuable commodity.
You need to build goodwill more than you build money and any other source of money.


God uses correction, rebuke and chastisement to keep us on track.
Man is elusive and vulnerable. We are described as sheep that can stray.
Correction, rebuke and chastisement are God’s means of performing His shepherd’s duties in our lives.
Lord may I not outgrow your correction, rebuke and chastisement. Prov. 3:11,12; Heb. 12:5-15.
God uses these means to discipline us. Discipline births maturity and maturity sharpens discernment in handling matters of life.
Discipline restrains us.
Our response to God’s rebuke makes us escape destruction. Prov.29:1
Those who fail to respond to reproves will be removed.
The only way to remain under God’s guide is to respond to reproves when you are tired of His reproves then you are ready to be removed.


You wonder why people steal.
Thieves steal because of their riffraff mentality.
A thief goes for the product rather than the process.
What he sees in the immediate captures his attention he can’t wait for the process.
He can cart away the product but he is unaware that he can’t stop the source nor scuttle the process.
The one from who he stole the product gets back to source to initiate the process that birth the product again.
The robbed is never deterred by the robber because what is stolen is just a bit of what is within.
What is stolen simply instigates the robbed to create more.
As a youth, see your bright future.
Never be in a hurry lest you end in horror.
Don’t steal into your future if you don’t want to reduce your future.
Keep following the process and you will surely end with the product.


Vision will give you the major thing but cannot give you everything.
It is counsel that supplies the others things that vision cannot capture.
Counsel makes vision buoyant.
It smoothens and perfects vision.
It is small things like counsel that makes big things like vision work.
A counselor is one who has gone through what and where you want to go through.
A counselor is one who has the information, the skill, the expertise and the experience.
You can follow him safely without any fear of any kind.
This is the reason for the admonition in Heb.6:12
“That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promise”
It will take the counsel of the ‘Elders’ to make the vision of the ‘young’ effectual and more productive.


Certain physical features in man are clear indicators to God’s plan to make man progressive.
These include:
-His feet which are designed and created to be forward.
-His eyes which are placed in front (not at the back) of his head.
-His nose which breathes in fresh air ahead of him.
-His ears which hear forward not from back bitters behind him.
-His hands which naturally swings forward with ease.
No matter what is happening to you or around you progress is your portion and progress shall be your continuous experience.

Display what you have
You don’t know what you can do until you begin to do what you can do.
You don’t know what you can become until you display what you have.
 What you will ever become will result from what you display.
It wasn’t just a shepherd rod that Moses had in his hand as he supposed; it was a destiny rod. All he needed and all he would ever become was embedded in that rod in fullness and in details.
Until Joseph displayed his gift of dream interpretation he remained tied down in the prison.
What you display is what displays you to your world. What you hold back is what holds you down.
What you hide will keep you in hiding.
You can do the impossible with the available.

: Today, we have a lot of people who have fake fame and unedifying character.
  But there is no standard that can be found elsewhere outside of Jesus. So make Jesus your standard.
: He is the faultless and stainless standard.
: Make Him your living example.
: He is constant in character.
: Make Him your bench mark.
: He is ever motivating and inspiring.
: Make Him your reference point.
: He will always point you to a great tomorrow.


: Imitation is not limitation; it all depends on who you are following.
: Imitation is bench marking.
: Imitation is motivating and inspiring.
: If you don’t have who to inspire and motivate you, you will be de-motivated and expire in the ultimate.
: Scripture admonishes us to follow those who have obtained the kind of result we are looking for-Heb. 6:12; Jer.6:16
: Without imitation originality cannot emerge.
: Without imitation you cannot break limitation.
: Imitation is not necessarily in action but in attitude, approach and examples.
: Look for a result provoking leader today and begin to imitate for your extension


: When you see the invisible you cannot be scared by the impossible.

: What you see informs how you behave. If you have seen God you don’t get intimidated by mortal men.

: Those who have set the Lord before them never get moved.Ps. 16:8

: Moses saw the invisible God to be able to confront the impossible.

: There is impossibility in the realm of the invisible. So if you can get there, all forms of impossibility are totally dissolved.

: You can’t truly meet with the Amighty God and be confused at the sight of a mortal man.

: When you have met with God you see all men as insignificant dwarfs – fearless and bold in your utterance and appearance. David saw Goliath as nothing better than a moving carcass ready to be laid in the grave. David confronted him with the consciousness of God whose armies Goliath had defiled.

: Now, go with the invisible God to confront all theimpossibilities of life. They will certainly bow to you.


Joy is the spiritual virtue that cannot be purchased. It can only be given by God.
Knowing God is finding joy, possession of things can make happy but only
possession of God can make joyous.
Outside of God the best a man can access is happiness.
Joy is found only in God and in His Holy Spirit. Ps.51:11, 12; Hab. 3:17-19,
Ignoring God is selling out your joy. The more of God you allow the more of Joy you exhibit.
Joy is God within, which is called enthusiasm. God within is what bubbles the soul.
Joy is absent whenever God is absent. Knowledge of God multiplies the joy of man. Ps.16:8,119:162: Jer.15:16


We live in a highly competitive prone generation.
Competition is usually born out of comparism, and comparism focuses on others rather than on personal potentials.
Competitors strive all their lives to beat the targets and standards of others instead of working hard to beat their personal present limits.
People of excellence simply appraise themselves, review their strategies and tactfully improve on their past performances so as to obtain better results.
Because they are not on competition lane, they are able to focus inwardly on channeling all energy towards improving and maximizing their potentials.
While being competitive may give you a feeling of achievement the only thing that will bring you fulfillment is the release of your potentials. Truly excellent people keep their potentials as the ultimate benchmark.
You can excel without competing.


There is no outstanding event that ever gets done except by vision and visionaries.
Visionaries don’t wait for a crowd to perform. They move in response to their personal convictions.
Vision makes you restless.
It builds up convictions that are unshaken.
By it you are driven timelessly into God’s divine plan.
A visionary maintains his individuality and is never scared or intimidated by being alone because he understands that his vision is capable of making him a majority.
So drive your life by vision and not by association.

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