Monday, October 4, 2010


Causes Of Broken Marriages Pt 2!

Emotional Response to Issues

The way to avoid this is to become mature in understanding by giving a second and third thought to every issue before responding.

Emotion is born when sentiment is allowed to prevail over realities. The Bible says:

He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.

Prov. 25:28

Control yourself! Control your emotions! Do not allow yourself to be provoked to anger. Anger lies in the bosom of fools. Control your tongue! Words spoken in anger cause untold damages in homes.

A wrathful man stirreth up strife; but he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife.

- Prov.15:18

The In-Law Factor

Your home should not be governed according to the dictates of your in-laws. Your goal must be to please God. When God is pleased every other person will be pleased. Fight against external interfaces in your home, because it is a subtle way through which the devil comes in.

The interference of in-laws can be cheaply handled with wisdom, especially when there is a good relationship between husband and wife.

The syndrome of in-laws creep in where there is a crack in the relationship between husband and wife. In-laws will naturally respect the couple and their decisions the moment they see harmony in their relationship.


Neglect comes in when there is a gulf in the relationship. When the couple begin to ignore each other, they no longer pay attention to one another. At this stage the husband no longer regards the wife as and vice versa. Each goes his or her own way.

Never allow your marital relationship to degenerate to a state of neglect. Neglect gives room to the devil and the Bible warns against it. 1 Tim.4:14 says,

  Neglect not the gift…which was given

Your personal relationship with one another is very important. Your spouse is a gift from God, and you know, the gift that you neglect cannot benefit you. Do not neglect each other! Neglect is a deadly spirit that slowly paralyses the initiative of your spouse towards your wellbeing.

The Cares of This World…

Some factors that can cause cracks in the home are outlined in Mark 4:19. They are,

 …The cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things…

The pursuit of the pleasurable things of this world, the unquenchable thirst for riches, power, and position, bring untold sorrows to marriages. The first home God instituted crumbled because of all these things.

Adam and Eve were free to eat all the fruits in the garden except one. But that particular one that they were forbidden to eat was the one that Eve wanted. Her desire for the non-essentials of the world brought about the fall of man.

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit...

Gen.3:6 (Emphasis mine).

It might be good for food, it might be good to put on your body, it might be pleasant to the eyes, it might enhance your position, but is it good for your destiny?

Stop comparing your home with that of your neighbours! Stop comparing your husband with your friend’s husband! Stop comparing your wife with other women! This is what pushes people into the pursuit of unnecessary things, which eventually lead them to destruction. Paul writing to the Corinthian church said,

…but they measuring themselves by themselves among themselves are not wise.

2 Cor.10:12

It’s time to be wise! The cares of this world lead to destruction, while giving attention to the word exalts.

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